Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Saturday, 17 December 2011
We would like to wish all our
Urban Village
customers a very
Merry Christmas
and a superb
New Year. x
Friday 23rd Dec – Open as normal.
Saturday 24th Dec – 10.30am – 3pm.
Sunday 25th - (Christmas Day) closed.
Monday 26th - (Boxing Day) closed.
Tuesday 27th - closed.
Wednesday 28th - Open as normal.
Thursday 29th – Open as normal.
Friday 30th – Open as normal.
Saturday 31st (New Years Eve)11am - 3pm.
Sunday 1st Jan 2012 – closed.
Monday 2nd closed.
Tuesday 3rd Open as normal.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Show Your Support For Our Boys

Urban Village is proud to support this event for HELP FOR HEROES!
If you can make it please come along Friday 16th December and show your support for our boys!
Monday, 28 November 2011
The Custard Factory
Monday, 21 November 2011
Great Photos

If you like cool 1960s vintage photos, check out our facebook page Mod Photograhs.
The group is for all Mods past and present, we will try and bring you some cool photos we find on a travels. Scooters, clothing, music, its all on our hit list.
If you have a photo you would like to see on our group just email them to info@urban-village.co.uk Please try and give us as much information on the photo as you can.
We look forward to seeing all your cool photos.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/230191858561/
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Dress for the weather......

Guys and Girls,
It has happened again. November is upon us again and brings with it those awkward daily dressing dramas that have us sweating from too much clothing or teeth chattering from not enough. We can't win! Relying on how the weather looks out of the window before you leave the house in the morning might not be the best idea.....Note to us all....maybe stick a finger out of the window....or just suffer. Suffer for Vintage polyester fashion is most likely what we will continue to do. We've done it before (last winter) and will do it again! (groan, sweat) Ahhhh the things we do for love.With November here, it also brings with it more days when you decide you cant possibly leave the warmth of your big cosy covers, stack of DVDs and cups of tea and with this decision leaves the dilemma....HOW do you find out about all the latest deals, incredible vintage clothing, blog posts and all the other things you love your Urban Village for?
Dont fret friends, we have the solution, yes indeedy.
Sign up to the Urban Village newsletter! We can do a swapsy, your email address for our pretty photos of gorgeous models in amazing, lust-worthy wears, information on the latest deals and what trends are peaking right now.
Its concise and rather than feeling like spam (which is what all the other shops bombard you with), it fees like you're receiving a personal little present from us to you, wich is exactly what it is! (No need to thank us, we know, we know.)
Click on the link below which will take you directly to sign up - on the right hand side of the page
http://www.urban-village.co.uk/contact us.
Don't miss out. Be in the know.
Love Libby @ Urban Village xMonday, 24 October 2011
How to do...the 1940s

The fashion of the 1940's, in the UK at least, was very much dominated by WWII. With the introduction of rationing and many imported items being unavailable, the 'make do and mend' ethic was in full force. From curtains to eggs, everything had an alternative (and sometimes bizarre) use, and this was certainly evident in fashion too. Many items were repaired and re-worked until they literally fell apart, and even then they were repurposed for dusters or hankies! Part of the charm of vintage 1940s clothing is seeing how many alterations and repairs you can spot - sometimes there are more patches than garment. However, a few distinct fashion styles emerged in the 40's, marking it out as an era of elegance and glamour despite the war.
With the menfolk off at war, women adopted a more masculine style, evident in the wide shoulders, nipped in waist and sharp tailored look which became so synonymous with this era. Women wanted to be seen as important and useful as men, whilst maintaining a glamourous edge for their loved ones and sweethearts when they came home. No woman would be seen out without her hat and gloves, and in the absence of silk for stockings, gravy browning worked a treat to create that distinct seam line at the back of the leg! The 1940s is often viewed as a really important time for women as they kept the home front running, with landgirls keeping food in the fields and machine girls keeping the factories ticking over. Meticulous hairstyles were kept neat and tidy under headscarves, and cherry red lipstick brightened up an otherwise makeup free face. By the late 1940s, Hollywood film stars like Rita Hayworth and Lauren Bacall dominated the fashion scene, and paved the way for the softer, girlier fashions of the 50's.
To recreate this look like I have done here, you don't necessarily need to invest in vintage 40's clothing, which is not only expensive, but hard to find in modern sizes too. The 1980s copied the 40's look to a certain extent, and as you can see from the 80's dress here, a delicate cotton print, nipped in waist and shoulder pads give just the right shape. Accessorise the look with a veiled hat (another 80s find) and perhaps a real or fake fur stole (a real fashion must-have in the 40's) As I mentioned earlier, no outfit was complete without a pair of gloves - check out these lovely cream crochet ones. You can buy modern versions of these on the high st, or scour your local charity shop. Finally, an elegant snakeskin handbag and low heeled, lace up shoes finish the look. These are both original 1940s ones, and can be found on ebay or your nearest vintage shop (Urban Village of course!) All of these items are available in our ebay shop in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out.
Monday, 17 October 2011
“Scooter, Suit, Haircut, Parka…

“Scooter, Suit, Haircut, Parka…
The Visual Mod Stereotype.”
There a 2 types of 'Mod' Parkas. The M-51 & the M-65. The 'M' standing for Military and the number the year it came into issue. Both had a 'Fishtail' which was designed to "be tied around the upper legs...for added wind proofing as they are not, as some think, waterproof (1)". Both have a liner but the main difference between the two is that the M-65 has a removable hood and the M-51 an attached.
The US Parka - A little bit of history.
The Godfather of the all Parkas Is the M-48. A sturdy no nonsense piece of Military Kit hard to find, and highly collectable due to the limited numbers that were made. When the Korean War started there was a need for a similar coat that could be used in combat but was much cheaper to mass produce than the M-48 hence, the birth of the M-51.
The first ones were made of the much heavier cotton as used in the M-48's but this proved both costly and impractical due to the drying time once they got wet. This is the reason why we ended up with shinier 'Sateen' material.
Made in the US up to 1956 and in Germany up to 1958 there was a second run "around 1963 for UK & Canadian specification (1)". No more M-51's were made which takes us up to 1965 with the M-65 Parka – now a cheaper alternative to the highly prized M-51.
Why the US Fishtail Parka?
Most countries have their own versions but it was the US versions which made it onto every self respecting Mods back.
Firstly, it was cheap and widely available. For the same reasons Mods could often get hold of Levis maybe the American G.I's populating the Soho Jazz clubs were pawning their Army issued clothing for Bourbon money.
Secondly, and more importantly, were the dimensions and construction. They had both a liner and a shell so were suitable for both summer and winter wear but they were also fantastically roomy as they were made to fit over uniform. Many other Parkas seemingly aren't designed to get much under them. As a result you could get in one with your suit on and with it being longer than a German Parka, for example, there was much less chance of getting your sharp attire marked by an overflowing London pothole.
The Parka Today
The function of the Parka for todays Mod is different. It is very much emblematic than actually role playing - It is a want rather than a need. Where the 60s mod needed to keep their clothes neat and dry todays needs to show he is ‘in the club’ – it’s very much part of the Uniform.
Of course it still kind of fulfills a role for the Scooterist but chances are that underneath the Parka is a pair of 501’s and Fred Perry Polo – the big, baggy cover all coat again is to meet criteria. Further more it’s ironic that the initial attraction was the availability and the price. Kids getting into the scene who want the ‘uniform’ usually have to make do with a high-street imitation.
Still, this doesn’t detract from the fact that people still want, what is effectively, army surplus. And the rising price of these fast disappearing relics only makes them more desirable.
Urban village stock M-51 & M-65 Parkas - prices dependant of condition but as a rule of thumb £100 for the M-65 & £150 upwards for the M-51..
(1) http://www.fishtailparkas.com/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anorak - Wikipedia
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Warm woollys and cosy knits

So, what do you need? Depending on the weight of your fabrics, a darning or embroidery needle. (Heavier fabrics need a thicker needle, light fabrics a finer one.) Let's assume you're repairing one of these lovely cable knit jumpers. You've got yourself a nice thick darning needle, now you need some thread. If you can find some wool to match your jumper that would be perfect, but failing that some embroidery thread would work almost as well. (Normal sewing thread would probably be a little thin for this repair.) Don't forget it needs to be a close a match to the colour of your item as possible.
The idea behind darning is to recreate the weave of the fabric, so look closely at the hole. Can you see where the threads have broken? You should be able to spot the horizontal and vertical threads, and you want to follow these with your needle and thread to 'fill in' the hole, rather than pull it together. So, put a knot in the end of your thread, and pull the needle through the top left hand side of your hole, with the knot on the inside. (Leave some space between the edge of the hole and your stitching, so that it doesn't pull through the broken threads and create a bigger hole!) Work down in long stitches to join the fabric on the other side. Don't pull it tight, as this will make the fabric pucker up. Imagine you are filling in the gap with thread. Now make a small stitch across, and come back up to the other side, continuing this until you reach the bottom right of the hole. It should look a little like a sideways ladder, with small stitches all round the outside of the hole. Now do the same again but this time working left to right, weaving the needle up and down through the first layer of stitching. You should start to see your woven patch filling in the hole and creating a nice flat repair in your knit. Check out this vintage example from a wartime 'make do and mend' leaflet!
Oh, and if you want to get your hands on one of the lovely aran jumper of cardigans (without holes of course!), check out our ebay page now, for gems like this:
Oh, and if you fancy buying one of our lovely jumpers (without holes of course!) Check these ones out on our ebay page now!
Monday, 10 October 2011
'Whole lotta love'

"Talent Borrows, Genius Steals" - Oscar Wilde
Now, Urban village doesn't just love vintage clothes. It loves the culture, the tunes, the ideas and sentiments which forms what we love about vintage. 'Whole lotta love' is the pure definition of a vintage tune. On the face of it it's a great timeless tune, but on the flip-side there's another vintage. A vintage that takes into account decades of influences that merge to form a confluence of cultures, people and ideas.
To get slightly technical - there are but 12 notes a musician can compose with. Of course these 12 notes can be combined in inumerable ways to create harmony. But because there are but 12 notes some songs, tunes, ditties, describe them how you will, step on each others toes from time to time and sound the same.
Sometimes this happens by accident (ask Coldplay but possibly not Joe Satriani), sometimes it can be much more deliberate....
...and this is where our Urban Village Vintage blog takes a look at the strange story of Page/Plant; Marriott/Lane & Dixon/Morganfield (Muddy to his friends).
I paraphrase Jimmy Page when questioned on the overt nature of L.Z's borrowings. 'If Robert had have just changed the words I don't think people would have noticed'. Plant didn't change much, especially on the 1st two albums, which much later led to Willie Dixon being given joint credit for a lot of the tunes (after a 1985 lawsuit).
So where should we start? At the begining or the middle? The beginning I think.
Chances are that if it was on Chess & the first time you heard it it smacked you straight in the face it was written by Willie Dixon. Dixon wrote for all the big names in the Chess stable as well as being the bass player on many-a-tune. "You need love" was recorded by Muddy Waters and released by chess in 1962. Many an ear was cocked in the 'Thames Delta'. As we shall see.... Check this out.
The Small Faces debut album in 1966 was much rawer then the immediate stuff which most people remember. Marriott/Lane where just taking their first steps in the songwriting game with support from the band and Kenny Lynch. As a result they needed a bit of help from the past. 'You Need Loving' would later escape the courtroom wrath of the Willie Dixon case but Heaven knows how or why - maybe the knots that the Small Faces had tangled themselves in mangement-wise was just not worth the investigative time or money.
And so we end with Page, Plant, Jones & Bonham. The tune, now a rock classic, powered by one of the greatest riffs of all time has its roots planted firmly in the Dixon penned tune but the phrasing and delivery is all Marriott.
Plant would later go onto say: "Page's riff was Page's riff. It was there before anything else. I just thought, 'well, what am I going to sing?' That was it, a nick. Now happily paid for. At the time, there was a lot of conversation about what to do. It was decided that it was so far away in time and influence that...well, you only get caught when you're successful. That's the game".
In a statement that you wouldn't expect from a rock god he also went onto say "I could never be compared with Steve Marriott because he's too good, unfortunately! He's got the best white voice, for sheer bravado and balls."
Now let's not even get started on the Back door man reference in the Coda :o)
Richard, Urban Village.
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Animal print

Ruth, Urban Village.
Monday, 19 September 2011
We don't just sell clothes...

Right, back to my paint swatches - magnolia or ivory blush anyone?
Ruth Urban Village
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Good News

If you pop in and see us at our Urban Village store in Birmingham,
you will see that we will be making big changes to our shop over the next few weeks.
Vintage shopping will just get better.
More news to follow...Thursday, 15 September 2011
Kids Vintage

As a vintage loving mama, it has occurred to me that perhaps it's not just my wardrobe that has been made significantly better by the introduction of vintage clothing. My dear daughter could also rock the retro look, and be fabulously cute at the same time. The only problem? Vintage clothing for babies and children is harder to find than hen's teeth! Apart from the occasional gem in the charity shop (recent finds - 2 unworn 1970s pointy collar shirts with embroidered bunnies on... score!) the babies of Birmingham are suffering a real lack of quality clothing. Well fear no more dear readers, because Urban Village has a lovely selection of vintage childrens wear just waiting for a new home, to be lovingly worn and dribbled on by your little people. And the even better news? There's lots of it in our sale shop, so you can pick up the perfect 70's print dress at a snip! Check out the lovely little selection I found in the store room this week; in case it's not clear the cream cape in the background has little embroidered bunnies on...I sense a theme developing...
Ruth, Urban Village.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Twinkle Twinkle...

Twinkle Twinkle...
Usually I'm the first person moaning about Christmas coming too early, tinsel in October, cards in the shops before Halloween etc, but today I seem to be surrounded by sequins, which is the nearest you can get to wearing the Christmas tree in my opinion (unless Granny has had too many sherries on Christmas day and takes a tumble, but that's another story...) There are rails full of glitter and sparkle in the shop and in the stock room, all ready for their new adventures at numerous December parties. Not wanting to keep all this festive cheer to ourselves, we'll also be listing a few things on ebay in the next few weeks, so if you can't come in to the Urban Village shop for your glitz fix, keep an eye out for the online sequin bonanza (you won't miss them, believe me!) coming up as we get nearer to Christmas!
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Getting a bit chillier

Now if it's one thing we do well over here at UV, it's stylish 60s and 70's clothing, so I've pulled together a few of my favourite things coming up on our website and ebay shop in the next few weeks. I'm particularly fond of the whole New York preppy style as it is so versatile - shopping, office, pub? This is perfect for all 3.
Layers of textures and toning colours pull the whole look together - think fine knits, velvet, cord and leather with the odd silk scarf or suede shoe to finish. What's your Autumn must have? I'm on the hunt for the perfect tweedy A-line skirt to wear with thick tights and little cardigans...if you see one, let me know ;-)
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Super VW Van For Sale

With regret we are putting up for sale our beloved van.
MOT till June 2012. Tax till Dec 2011. 92,500 km (approx 57,000 miles)
Registered in Germany in 1979 – hence W Reg. Purchased by us in September 2003, from Germany where it had been maintained and garaged by the German Fire Service. It is one of 112 manufactured and used as auxiliary vehicles.
This van is totally original. We have all the original German paperwork and details of the history and fitting out of the van.
The van drives great and has been serviced regularly, has recently been fitted with a new starter motor and electronic ignition.
Recently re-sprayed in original colour to maintain condition, (pictures available of pre spray) and has been fitted with all new window rubbers.
Has been wax oiled annually since purchase, absolutely solid everywhere.
The interior has original seats, cushions have been replaced with new foam and vinyl. There are two three point seatbelts in the rear along with two lap straps – ideal for families. The front seats have been replaced with a single and bench VW seat. Can seat 7/8.
The original cupboards were removed to aid visibility, but the van still has a lot of storage space, without compromising the number of seats. The floor is steel checkplate, hardwearing and easy to clean.
The van has an insulated body and an EBERSPÄCHER heater (which we haven’t used). The heater cables need replacing; we have them they just need fitting.
CD player/radio fitted and spot lights fitted in rear.
We also have a 3 bow roof rack available.
Please call: 0790 420 7003
Friday, 2 September 2011
Mods Make Sun Newspaper
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Mark Powell Tailor

Mark Powell is one of London's most iconic and influential bespoke tailors. Renowned for his nostalgically and classically inspired tailoring, combined with experimental cuts and styling, he was one of the first to successfully bridge the gap between the traditions of Savile Row and contemporary street style.
Drawing style and influence from his 20 years experience in bespoke tailoring, in 2006 he launched his ready to wear line, Mark Powell London.
Check out his Website: www.markpowellbespoke.co.uk
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
The Urban Village Summer Sale Prices

Tell all your friends...
Monday, 8 August 2011
The Urban Village Summer Sale Starts 20th August

Please Note: due to the riots and the disturbances down at the Custard Factory, the Urban Village Summer sale will now be starting on Saturday 20th August to allow things to get back to normal.
Thank you for all of your support,
Frankie and the UV team.
The Massive Urban Village Summer sale will have hundreds of low priced vintage BARGAINS. The sale starts on Saturday 13th August and will run for 2 weeks, get in early to get the best offers!
Find the store at:
The Custard Factory
Gibb Street
B9 4AA
Tel: 0121.224.7367
Job Vacancy @Urban Village

Job Vacancy.
Part Time/Full Time
To work with Urban Village.
Job Description.
We are very keen to spread the word of Urban Village. We therefore need someone who can help with the promotion of the shop, our new website and organising events as we will be opening a new department to the business covering events like fairs, music events etc. The applicant must also be able to keep general book work to cover the events/promotions.
To work 2/3 days per week to start with and to develop into full time.
Must have event/promotions experience. We deal in vintage clothing so having a passion for this line of work will help. Plus having some knowledge in retail would also be advantageous.
Send CV to:
Monday, 18 July 2011
Cool 1960s Group

If you like 1960s scooters, fashion & music, check out our Facebook Group:
Sunday, 17 July 2011
1960s Makeup

The sixties was the ultimate time for make up. It was no longer strictly the domain of the adults; many cosmetic companies noted a huge increase in teenage customers.
This was inevitable with magazines like Vogue and Harpers Bazaar teaching step-by-step instructions to young ladies.
The main focus of the look had shifted from the 1950’s siren pout; it was all about the eyes, the bigger and rounder the better. Many people still use this look now.
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Featured Brand, Biba

Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Featured Brand, 'Trickers'

R.E. Tricker Ltd and five generations later his family continue to apply the same traditional crafts and skills in the production of the world
renowned “Tricker’s” shoes.
The St. Michael’s Road premises accommodates all manufacturing, administration and marketing activities of this famous company. Combining the skills and service ethics of yesteryear with the flair and creativity demanded by twenty-first century commerce.
Using only the best available materials, including calf upper leather and oak bark tanned soles, Tricker’s craftsmen apply their legendary skills to produce both hand-made and bench-made shoes which maintain a standard seldom equalled in the world of Goodyear welted footwear.
Tricker’s of St. James’s, our famous retail establishment in the heart of London’s most prestigious shopping area serves as a focal point for our dedicated customers from all over the world. Offering a wide range of footwear including our famous handmade bespoke service and a comprehensive selection of classic styles for immediate wear.
Here at Urban Village we always try our best to find vintage Trickers.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Vintage Bugatti Car
Saturday, 2 July 2011
We Buy
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Ban Nylon Polo Tops
Monday, 27 June 2011
Thursday, 23 June 2011
The Sixties Boys

The Sixties Boys
Price: £9.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
The Sixties Boys takes you on a nostalgic and remarkable trip down memory lane of the 1960s. The foreword has been written by Tony Christie who started his musical career in the sixties and has had many hit records including that classic, 'Is This The Way To Amarillo'. There have been many rave reviews of The Sixties Boys on Television, Radio, National Press and Magazines, so much so that a second print run is being done.
It's a story of a group of young lads who live life to the full in the Swinging Sixties and form a group which takes them on a remarkable journey of an era where there was so much fun and adventure.
Remember Winkle-Pickers, Dansette Record Players, Mini-Skirts, Mods 'an' Rockers, Pirate Radio Stations, Ford Cortina's, and Watneys Red Barrel, its all here and lots more.
This is a must buy for anyone who was there in the Sixties or indeed anyone younger who wished they could've lived the experience of what it was like.
With it's 224 pages, excellent photographs and the authors unique style, you won't be able to suppress the smiles as you enjoy this book.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Mostly Jazz Festival
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Photo Shoot With Francesca Hancox

Urban Village has got a forthcoming photo shoot coming up at the start of July with Francesca Hancox. We are very excited as the last shoot was superb!
Check out Fran's work at:
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
British Volkswagen Festival

British Volkswagen Festival
2nd & 3rd July 2011
The weekend starts with visitors intending to camp for the weekend arriving from 2pm on Friday 1st July 2011. Please note that the gates to the showground are closed between midnight and 9am.
Saturday and Sunday are the show days with a large number of activities and events taking place. For the younger visitors to the show there is a free creche, clown shows, balloon modelling and a circus workshop running on both days.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
The Mostly Jazz Festival
Monday, 13 June 2011
1970s & 1980s Vintage Shorts
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Secret Affair

Secret Affair tonight,
makes me feel 15 again!
History on the band:
n a period of a little over two years, Secret Affair posted five releases in the UK Singles Chart and released three albums. The debut single "Time For Action" sold over 200,000 copies and reached number 13 in the UK chart, putting the band at the forefront of the mod revival movement. More chart success followed with "Let Your Heart Dance", "My World" and "Sound Of Confusion".
Formed after the demise of the CBS Records signed power pop band New Hearts, singer Ian Page and guitarist Dave Cairns spent the second half of 1978 writing songs that would form the basis of the first two Secret Affair albums. They also drew up plans for a smart-dressing youth movement – the Glory Boys – based around the idea of 1960s gangster chic and influenced by the movie, Performance.
After spending January 1979 demoing songs, Page and Cairns enlisted the services of bassist Dennis Smith from the power pop band Advertising and Young Bucks drummer Seb Shelton. Saxophone player Dave Winthrop would join later in the year.
From its very first gig, opening for The Jam at Reading University in February 1979, the band was adopted by a group of East End Mods, who readily embraced Page’s Glory Boy concept. This group of fans began referring to themselves as Glory Boys, often tattooing the name on their arms or inner lips as a badge of allegiance. Secret Affair had become so closely linked to the emerging mod revival that in March 1979 Cairns wrote what would become the youth movement's main anthem, "Time For Action".
Just a few months later, Secret Affair had signed to Arista Records and formed its own label, I-Spy Records and "Time For Action" was in the chart. It was soon followed into the charts by "Let Your Heart Dance", "My World" and "Sound Of Confusion". The first two albums, Glory Boys (December 1979) and Behind Closed Doors (September 1980), with its more complex orchestrated arrangements, proved successful and in its first year Secret Affair regularly appeared on the BBC Television show Top Of The Pops and was a cover star of many UK music magazines, including New Musical Express, Sounds and Smash Hits. I-Spy Records also released singles by ska legend Laurel Aitken, Eddie Floyd and Squire.
The music videos for several of the band's songs were directed by Steve Barron.
Likened to Jimmy Pursey, Page was asked to appear on UK television programmes and was viewed as an articulate spokesman for his generation, although his opinionated views alienated as many potential fans as they won over.
The mod movement that had swept Secret Affair into the pop charts had all but evaporated by mid 1980, losing out to the rival 2 Tone fashion movement, and after the release of the band's second album, drummer Shelton quit to join the "Come On Eileen" era Dexys Midnight Runners. Secret Affair regrouped, recruiting ex-Advertising drummer Paul Bultitude and embarking on a lengthy tour of the United States, before returning in late 1981 with its final chart hit, "Do You Know".
One more single followed, "Lost In The Night", before the release of Business As Usual, an album that saw the band return to the rock-soul fusion of its earlier work. Although a spirited album, it was a commercial failure and Secret Affair split-up midway through 1982.
Cairns went on to form a band called Flag, with Archie Brown from The Bureau and signed a recording contract in the US He subsequently teamed up with Scottish singer Alan King in Walk on Fire, writing the majority of the band's material and playing keyboards on tours. Signing to MCA in the U.S., the band released the album Blind Faith in 1990 and toured supporting Foreigner, Nils Lofgren and the Dan Reed Network before Cairns joined Gibson Guitars USA as Special Projects Manager. Page released two solo singles before leaving the music industry.
Friday, 10 June 2011
The Mod Scene
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
The Moons Play Birmingham

The Moons + Special Guests