Urban Village Birmingham
The Custard Factory
Gibb Street, Digbeth,
Birmingham, B9 4AA.
You are invited to join us for the opening of our new shop on
Saturday 26th June 2010.
From 10am – 5.30pm.
We will be selling the finest Vintage
Clothing, Music & Artwork.
Also on the day, live music from DC Fontana.
With a special video premiere of there forthcoming single.
Plus live DJ sets from the coolest boys in town.
We will also be running a Scooter competition, with the first price receiving
a Urban Village gift voucher.
The timetable for the full days event will be put up on this page next week.
So remember to keep the 26th of June 2010 Free!
There will also be an evening party organized by Beat Generation (Rhubarb Radio) Watch this page!
For more information call: 0121.224.7367.